Posts tagged Robyn Perros
postpartum: three poems

The newborn sleeps through coffee grinder and vacuum, because the inside of a uterus is a train station under water, all thrum and whoosh and beat and rumble. Nine months is long enough to hang art on the walls and justify the nail holes. Long enough to know: I live here, this is mine, this is home…

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I have 19 little blue people living in my throat. I feel them grabbing fistfuls of flesh on their attempts to ascent through my throat up to my mouth.

They’re small enough and light enough, their hands and feet don’t hurt me much, but there are enough of them to make their presence, their power, their intentions known. They want out. They need out. They came here only to escape...

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Thought Path Forest Mind

I seek to share, expand, and create Forest Multiverses inside the bodies of viewers and readers. My work is inspired by the remnants of Ancient Forests of the Pacific Northwest. The viewer is led deeper into an Old Growth Forest through painting and poem portals. The Earth is in crisis. The Forests I paint are older and wiser than any of us humans. The Forests are trying to tell us how important they are to our physical, emotional, and aesthetic survival. I am one of the translators of Forest language, image, and voice, and I seek to reintegrate Forest and human connection…

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Stop Gentrifying the Afterlife

Dearest people of earth,

We, from the afterlife, have a teeny-tiny favor to ask all of you. Can you please stop dying and gentrifying the afterlife?

At first we were like okay a new face, yay, we’d invite you for coffee or fucking. But now everything is so expensive we can’t even afford a cup of coffee…

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My mother had no signature lipstick brand or colour she routinely bought and used. The lipsticks in her collection were comprised mainly of Testers; freebies from her job as a cashier at our local pharmacy. The Testers she was given were mostly tubes of the unsellable colours, or the expired ones, or the ones with naughty toddler bite marks in them…

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