NOV 2023 / ISSUE 29


THe Sea

by Deborah Stein

I finally began to paint a story based on Gianni Rodari’s tale about The Fisherman from Cefalú who finds a tiny sea creature…

The floor is lava

by Kate Finegan

We’re walking down the sidewalk of the big city where we live when one of us shouts the floor is lava and we reveal our true selves…

The Observer

by Jess Perlitz

Jess Perlitz’s work is informed by our formations of landscape and the body’s place within it, finding points of desire, incongruity…

SHame Boy

by aureleo sans

No matter how they were decorated—with a couple freckles or a fire truck-red tip or a profusion of foreskin—there was no way…


by Antonia Deignan

I queef. I yawn. I breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. I lasso the previous night’s dreamings, lust, adventure…


by Heidi Biggs

I threw grass at you the way teenagers do. And we talked and laughed like there was no unspoken tension. My heartache was…