JUNE 2023 / ISSUE 24



by Gina Hunt

Finding expansive possibilities within a limited means fascinates me, as does the potential for a material object to incite a perceptual event…

Three Lessons in Grief

by Bec Bell-Gurwitz

The first lesson was how to keep things alive,
how to water the plants, to raise silk
the class caterpillars died a slow        protracted


by Anuradha Prasad

Myra believed in mornings. They showed up. This morning showed up with a boulder. It pinned her down…

Summer Song III

by Anna Reeser

In school, the printmakers never did as many drugs as the painters. No psychedelics. This was art for a person who deep down was afraid to…


by Dey Rivers

They do not take gender studies. Instead, they follow reports of how many queer and trans people are murdered, how many Black people…

Lost and Found

by Steenz

I Thought You Loved Me was inspired by the need for catharsis. Usually I discourage using public art to work out one’s feelings, but…